October 08, 2011

Amo Roma!

After seven diverse countries, dozens of crazy foods, 25 hot humid days, and 33 straight hours of flights I found myself in the center of the universe! At least that is what the Romans thought this city was 2000 years ago. Amo Roma =I love Rome! It felt like I had gone to heaven. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved all the countries we have visited. Each has offered a new fascinating culture, different foods, beautiful country sides and incredible people. But, many have also been a bit challenging. Rome is full of beauty, architecture, history, art and mouthwatering, tummy filling, superbly satisfying food! This is a place I could move to and live happily ever after.
When we arrived we had three families set up to photograph. Two of the families were related. Then tragedy struck and the father of one of our families passed away! Our hearts were broken for this sweet young family. We no longer had families to meet so we needed help. We prayed for the young family who lost their father. And we prayed that we might find other families to photograph. 
We set out to visit the parks and the piazzas around Rome. We had no idea where to go and who we might meet. We did our best to follow our hearts. We discovered that many people in Italy are very suspicious of others and especially anything that has to do with photographs, internet and their children. We understand. We do our best to explain who we are and that our intentions are good and honest. But, it was a great obstacle to overcome. Just when we were feeling a bit discouraged we were guided to two darling families and we were able to take some adorable photographs!
These two little girls: Livia and Giula are some of my favorite children we have photographed so far. We found this family happily sitting on the curb eating their gelatos. They were so sweet and happy to help us. The girls were adorable, funny, happy and cooperative!
It was another great lesson of how to trust the spirit and follow one’s heart. Even when tragedy strikes and challenges come we will be blessed as we work diligently to help and serve others. It is genuinely satisfying to find these amazing, sweet, wonderful families everywhere we go. 


  1. What gorgeous architecture. Maybe Doug will buy a villa and we can all vacation there. ;D

  2. definitely want to visit Rome some day...looks beautiful and the food...mmm!
